Publications by team members,
research partners and critical friends

2024 and forthcoming

Bardenheuer, Markus. "'So that I Never Fail to Warn and Admonish': Pastoral Care and Private Conversation in a Seventeenth-century Reformed Village." J Ljungberg and N. Klein Käfer, eds. Tracing Private Conversations in Early Modern Europe. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.

Boscani Leoni, Simona. Johann Jakob Scheuchzer (1672-1733) and the scientific discovery of the Alps: explorations and natural history, 1500-1730 (working title). Under negotiation with De Gruyter, Berlin.Boscani Leoni, Simona. Jakob Scheuchzer (1672-1733) e la scoperta delle Alpi: viaggi e scienza in epoca moderna. Rome: Viella editore, forthcoming.

Depledge, Emma. ‘Poetry, Publishers, and Print: Humphrey Moseley, Henry Herringman, and Jacob Tonson’, in Oxford History of Poetry in English: Volume 5, Seventeenth-Century British Poetry, ed. Laura L. Knoppers. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024.

Habermann, Ina. "Space / Religion: Shakespearean roads to redemption from The Two Gentlemen of Verona to The Two Noble Kinsmen." Isabel Karremann, ed. Shakespeare/Space. Arden Shakespeare Intersections. London: Bloomsbury, 2024. 115-139.

Karremann, Isabel. "Women and the Country House: Enlightenment Critiques of Property Law and Gender in Eighteenth-Century Women’s Writing." In Vom Recht der Frau zu den Frauenrechten. Mit Anne-Claire Michoux und Gideon Stiening. Reihe Feministische Aufklärung in Europa, Bd. 3. Stuttgart, Metzler. Forthcoming.

Schmid, Philippe. "The Government at Auction: Urban Policy and the Market for Books in Eighteenth-Century Lübeck."Arthur der Weduwen and Ann-Marie Hansen, eds. Crisis, Continuity and Change in the Book Trade, 1650-1750. Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2024, in press.

Schmid, Philippe Bernhard. "The Ott Papers, Anglo-Swiss Families and Early Modern Huguenot Networks." The Huguenot Society Journal, 37 (2024), forthcoming.

Schmid, Philippe Bernhard. "Review of Martin Mulsow, Fremdprägung. Münzwissen in Zeiten der Globalisierung (Berlin: Matthes & Seitz, 2023)." Journal of the History of Collections (15 March, 2024): 1–3.

Schmid, Philippe Bernhard. "Review of Vera Keller, The Interlopers: Early Stuart Projects and the Undisciplining of Knowledge (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2023)." Intellectual History Review (8 February, 2024): 1–3.


Erne, Lukas. "The Two Gentlemen of Zurich: Marcus Stapfer and Johann Rudolph Hess, Swiss Travellers to England (1611–13), and Their Shakespeare Quartos." The Library, 7th series, vol. 24, no. 1 (March 2023).

Hohl Trillini, Regula. "Johann Jacob Frey 1606-1636." David Pearson, ed. Book Owners Online, 2023.

Larminie, Vivienne. "[biographies of Edmund Ludlowe and other Members of Parliament]." Stephen K. Roberts ed. The History of Parliament: The House of Commons 1640-1660. 2023.

Larminie, Vivienne. "The Diary of Johann Heinrich Ott 1635-1641 and Student Travels." Huguenot Society Journal. Miscellanea September 2023.

Larminie, Vivienne. "Diversity, complexity and compromise: first thoughts from the House of Commons 1640–1660 project on the reshaping of the church." The Seventeenth Century. 2023.

Schmid, Philippe Bernhard. A Culture of Reuse: Libraries, Learning and Memory in Early Modern Germany. PhD thesis University of St Andrews, 2022.

Schmid, Philippe Bernhard. "Annotiertes Wissen: Lehrbücher und die Vermittlung von Information in der Aufklärung." SPK-Forschungsnewsletter, 06 (2023) & Blog Article Berlin: Berlin State Library, 2023.

Schmid, Philippe Bernhard. "Brokering the Enlightenment: Scotland and the World." IASH Blog, Workshop Report. Edinburgh: The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, 2023.

Schmid, Philippe Bernhard. "The Student as Broker: Friedrich Wilhelm Roloff and the Translation of Early Modern Biblical Scholarship." Erudition and the Republic of Letters, 8 (2023): 36-78.

Schmid, Philippe Bernhard. 'Türhüter des Wissens: Julius Carl Schläger und die europäische Numismatik im späten 18. Jahrhundert', in Martin Mulsow and Dirk Sangmeister (eds.), Aufklärung und Residenzstadt – Das intellektuelle Gotha um 1800 (Göttingen: Wallstein, 2024), forthcoming (in press).

Schmid, Philippe. Review of Philip Beeley, Yelda Nasifoglu and Benjamin Wardhaugh, eds. Reading Mathematics in Early Modern Europe: Studies in the Production, Collection, and Use of Mathematical Books. New York: Routledge, 2023.

Scius-Bertrand, Anna; Ströbel, Phillip; Volk, Martin; Hodel, Tobias; Fischer, Andreas (August 2023). The Bullinger Dataset: A Writer Adaptation Challenge. In: Fink, Gernot A.; Jain, Rajiv; Kise, Koichi; Zanibbi, Richard (eds.) ICDAR 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 14187 (pp. 397-410). Cham: Springer

Ströbel, Phillip; Hodel, Tobias; Fischer, Andreas; Scius, Anna; Wolf, Beat; Janka, Anna; Widmer, Jonas; Scheurer, Patricia; Volk, Martin (2023). Bullingers Briefwechsel zugänglich machen: Stand der Handschriftenerkennung. In: Trilcke, Peer; Busch, Anna; Helling, Patrick (eds.) DHd 2023 Open Humanities Open Culture. 9. Tagung des Verbands "Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum" (DHd 2023). Zenodo


Emma Depledge and Peter Kirwan (eds). Canonising Shakespeare: Stationers and the Book Trade, 1640-1740 (Cambridge UP, 2017; 2022).

Habermann, Ina and Lukas Rosenthaler. "SwissBritNet: research-driven data modeling and the development of intelligent queries." SKILLNET International Conference Digital approaches to the Republic of Letters: network research, text mining, and infrastructures. Utrecht University-17-18 Nov 2022.

Habermann, Ina, ed. The road to Brexit: A cultural perspective on British attitudes of Europe. Manchester: Manchester UP, 2020. Paperback 2022.

Hodel, Tobias Mathias; Janka, Anna; Widmer, Jonas (2022). Digital Mappa – Simple and Web-based Annotations. Tool revie>. RIDE: a review journal for digital editions and resources(15) IDE

Hodel, Tobias; Gasser, Sonja; Schneider, Christa; Schoch, David (2022). Zugang zu Informationen in digitalen Sammlungen: Fokus Archive. Informationswissenschaft - Theorie, Methode und Praxis, 7(1), pp. 27-91. Bern Open Publishing

Hohl Trillini, Regula and Alessandro Lattanzi. "Three 17th-century letters clarify the textual history of Scipio Lentulus' History of the Waldensians." Notes and Queries 69:2 (June 2022): 118-121.

Schmid, Philippe. "From Coursebook to Catalogue: The Reuse of Student Notebooks." Preserving the World’s Rarest Books, Blog Article (St Andrews: University of St Andrews, 2022), forthcoming.

Schmid, Philippe. Collecting Legacies: Libraries, Memory and Antiquarian Culture in Early Modern Germany. PhD, 2022.


Emma Depledge, John Garrison and Marissa Nicosia (eds). Making Milton: Print, Authorship, Afterlives (Oxford UP, 2021).

Habermann, Ina. and Keller, D. "Introduction: In the Shallows of National Identity." Keller, D. and Habermann, Ina, eds. Brexit and Beyond: Nation and Identity. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto, 2021. Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature. 9-22.

Hodel, Tobias (2020). Laura Estill / Diane K. Jakacki / Michael Ullyot (Hg.): Early Modern Studies After the Digital Turn. Jahrbuch für Kommunikationsgeschichte, 22, p. 144. Franz Steiner Verlag

Hodel, Tobias Mathias (2 March 2020). Best-practices zur Erkennung alter Drucke und Handschriften – Die Nutzung von Transkribus large- und small-scale. In: DHd 2020 Spielräume: Digital Humanities zwischen Modellierung und Interpretation (dhd2020) (pp. 84-87). Paderborn: Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum e.V. in Paderborn

Karremann, Isabel. "Introduction: New Terrains of Consciousness in a Globalized World" (with Zeno Ackermann). In Terrains of Consciousness: Multilogical Perspectives on Globalization. Zeno Ackermann, Isabel Karremann, Simi Malhotra, Nishat Zaidi. Würzburg: Würzburg University Press, 2021.

Karremann, Isabel. "From Insular Territory to Global Terrains of Consciousness: The Case of Robinson Crusoe and The Farther Adventures". In Terrains of Consciousness: Multilogical Perspectives on Globalization. Zeno Ackermann, Isabel Karremann, Simi Malhotra, Nishat Zaidi. Würzburg: Würzburg University Press, 2021.

Larminie, Vivienne. "Anglo-Swiss relations in the seventeenth century: religion, refuge and relief". D. H. Steinforth and C. C. Rozier, eds. Britain and its Neighbours: cultural contacts and exchanges in medieval and early modern Europe. London: Routledge, 2021.

Schmid, Philippe. "Catalogues in Catalogues: Imitation and Competition in Early Modern Book Collecting." Arthur der Weduwen, Andrew Pettegree and Graeme Kemp, eds. Book Trade Catalogues in Early Modern Europe. Leiden and Boston: Brill 2021, 399-424.

Schmid, Philippe. "Sharing Marks in Early Modern Books." Imprimatur NF 27 (2021): 31-52.


Alassi, Sepideh and Lukas Rosenthaler. "e-Version of the Republic of Letters" DARIAH Annual Event November 10-13 2020, virtual.

Karremann, Isabel. "Feministische Aufklärung in Europe: Skizze eines Forschungsprogramms" (mit Gideon Stiening). Aufklärung 32 (2020), 5-15.

Karremann, Isabel. "Introduction: A World of Difference. Religion, literary form, and the negotiation of conflict in early modern England." Forms of Faith: Literary Forms and Religious Conflict in Shakespeare's England. Eds. Jonathan Baldo and Isabel Karremann. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2020. 1-17.

Karremann, Isabel. "The Inheritance of Loss: Post-Reformation Memory Culture and the Limits of Antiquarian Discourse". In Remembering the Reformation, ed. by Brian Cummings, Ceri Law, Bronwyn Wallace, and Alexandra Walsham. New York: Routlegde (2020), 41-58.

2019 and earlier

Begley, Justin. "Confessional Disputes in the Republic of Letters: Susan Du Verger and Margaret Cavendish", The Seventeenth Century, 2017.

Boscani Leoni, Simona. "Creazione e circolazione del sapere nell’Europa del Settecento." Rivista Storica Italiana 124:2 (2012): 581-613.

Boscani Leoni, Simona. "Französisch, Deutsch, Latein: zur Ökonomie und Funktion der Mehrsprachigkeit in der Gelehrtenrepublik des 18. Jahrhunderts." Gallotropismus und Zivilisationsmodelle im deutschsprachigen Raum (1660-1789). Vol. 3 Gallotropismus aus helvetischer Sicht. Beihefte zum Euphorion: Zeitschrift für Literaturgeschichte 3 (2017): 61-76).

Boscani Leoni, Simona. Krämer Fabian, Ein Zentaur in London. Lektüre und Beobachtung in der frühneuzeitlichen Naturforschung. Sehepunkte. Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften, 16:5 (2016).

Dängeli, Peter and Martin Stuber. "Nachhaltigkeit in langjährigen Erschliessungsprojekten: FAIR-Data-Kriterien bei Editions- und Forschungsplattformen zum 18. Jahrhundert." Schweizerische Zeitschrift für die Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts / Revue suisse d’études sur le XVIIIe siècle 11 (2020): 34-51.

Habermann, Ina and Keller, D., eds. English Topographies in Literature and Culture. Space, Place, and Identity. Leiden: Koninklijke Brill NV, 2016. (Spatial practices, 23).

Habermann, Ina and Michelle Witen, eds. Shakespeare and Space. Theatrical Explorations of the Spatial Paradigm. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.

Habermann, Ina, ed. Political Topographies. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann (Journal for the study of British cultures, 20) 2013.

Habermann, Ina. "[Review of] Forgone Nations - Constructions of National Identity in Elizabethan Historiography and Literature - Stanihurst, Spenser, Shakespeare by Florian Kläger: Trier, wvt 2006." Journal for the study of British Cultures. Gunter Narr, 2007. 178-179.

Habermann, Ina. "England an Island: Englishness as a symbolic form in Jacquetta Hawkes’s A Land (1951)." Insular mentalities: mental maps of Britain: essays in honour of Bernd Lenz. Passau: Stutz, 2007. 89-102.

Habermann, Ina. and Feldmann, D. "Theorising Cultural Difference and Transdifference - Editorial." Journal for the Study of British Cultures, 13(2) (2006): 99-104.

Habermann, Ina. and Keller, D. "English Topographies: Introduction." English Topographies in Literature and Culture. Space, Place, and Identity. Eds. Ina Habermann and D. Keller. Leiden: Brill Rodopi, 2016. (Spatial practices volume). 1-13.

Hodel, Tobias (2019). READing Handwritten Documents - Projekt READ und das Staatsarchiv Zürich auf dem Weg zur automatischen Erkennung von handschriftlichen Dokumenten. Geschichte und Informatik, 20, pp. 127-132. Verein Geschichte und Informatik.

Hodel, Tobias Mathias (2013). Das kleine Digitale: Ein Plädoyer für Kleinkorpora und gegen Grossprojekte wie Googles Ngram-Viewer. Nach Feierabend. Zürcher Jahrbuch für Wissensgeschichte, 9, pp. 103-119. Diaphanes.

Karremann, Isabel, Cornel Zwierlein and Inga Mai Groote. "Introduction". Mit. In Forgetting Faith: Negotiating Confessional Conflict in Early Modern Europe. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2012. 1-40.

Karremann, Isabel. "Edmund Spenser’s The Ruines of Time as a Protestant Poetics of Mourning and Commemoration". Forms of Faith: Literary Form and Religious Conflict in Shakespeare’s England. Eds. Jonathan Baldo and Isabel Karremann. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2017. 90-109.

Larminie, Vivienne. "Biographical Projects and the Reconstruction of Cross-Channel Lives: Progress and Challenges." Interactions et transferts entre la France et les îles britanniques, 1640-1660. Issue of e-rea. Ed. Karine Bigand. Revue Electronique d'Etudes sur le Monde Anglophone 11:2 (2014).

Larminie, Vivienne. "Gentry Culture in the Seventeenth Century’." Christopher Dyer and Catherine Richardson, eds. William Dugdale, Historian, 1605–1686: His Life, His Writings and His Country (Woodbridge, 2009), 119.

Larminie, Vivienne. "Johann Heinrich Hummel, the Peningtons and the London Godly Community: Anglo-Swiss Relations 1634–1674." Journal for the History of Reformed Pietism 2, no. 2 (2016): 1–26.

Larminie, Vivienne. "The Herbert Connection, the French church and Westminster Politics, 1643-1661." Vivienne Larminie, ed. Huguenot Networks, 1560-1780: the Interactions and Impact of a Protestant Minority in Europe. London: Routledge, 2017. 41-60.

Larminie, Vivienne. "The Jacobean Diplomatic Community and the Protestant Cause. Sir Isaac Wake and the View from Savoy." English Historical Review 121: 494 (2006): 1300-26.

Larminie, Vivienne. "The Saladins and the earls of Pembroke: Genevan Huguenots and the English Nobility." Huguenot Society Journal 32 (2019): 15-25.

Sonntag, Otto, Martin Stuber and Christian Forney. "Göttingen and its Learned Institutions in Albrecht von Haller’s European Network: The Example of His Correspondence with Gerlach Adolph von Münchhausen." Wissenschaft in Korrespondenzen. Göttinger Wissensgeschichte in Briefen. Ed. Karsten Engel. Göttingen 2019. 59-76.